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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eye Dream

Eye Dream
Everywhere I look, I see a dream. I see a cliff and it's potential for climbing. I see a bare tree and it's potential for leaves turning beautiful shades of yellow and red. I see someone struggling, yet I see deep down the strength that will pull them through.

Isn't that what life is really all about? Dreams. Others call them Goals, Aspirations, Visions. They're all striving for the same thing; improve the quality of life through what we desire to have happen.

Think of a time when you have had a dream. Do you remember it? Something that you wanted so badly that you'd do almost anything for it. How did you feel? Did it make you happen? Did it give you energy and optimism? Does thinking about it now make you want it again? If so, then Go For It! Reach for the stars!

There is not enough dreaming in this world. Too many people now days look at the world and see all the doom and gloom that lurk therein, and don't see it for it's beauties and wonders. I see the beauties. I love them. Take time to get to know your surroundings and enjoy them. I smell the flowers every day, from the Gardenia's to the Lilly's.

Do you ever feel like you don't love life? Life is too hard and gets you down all the time? My answer for you is this: Dream. Become an Eye Dreamer. Look around you at the world and see the hopeful optimism that truly is there...
Find it within yourself.
   It is there.
      Eye See It.
         Eye Dream.

"Be The Change You Want To See In The World"

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